Tanzania Family Safari: Our Unique Travelling Style

A Tanzania family safari offers an inspiring and unforgettable adventure for all ages. From witnessing the Great Migration in Serengeti National Park to engaging yourselves in the exciting Maasai culture, each moment spent in Tanzania's wilderness is bound to create lasting memories. With tailored experiences for every age group and comfy accommodation options, a family safari in Tanzania is an amazing opportunity to connect with nature and bond with your loved ones.

Tom Snoyd
Tom Snoyd 14 Min Read
Family on African Safari

Planning a family safari holiday? Consider Tanzania, a country famous for its spectacular sceneries, incredible wildlife, and rich cultural legacy.

A family safari in Tanzania offers an extraordinary safari adventure for all ages, with a multitude of activities and lures that cater to everyone’s comfort. In this article, we will discover the best destinations to explore, the best family activities to enjoy, the perfect time to plan your African safari tours, and the cost estimations for an unforgettable family adventure in Tanzania.

Where to Visit in Tanzania on Safari Holiday

Tanzania has several national parks and private game reserves offering plentiful wildlife sightseeing opportunities. Below are the must-explore safari destinations to contemplate for your family safari in Tanzania:

  1. Serengeti National Park: Branded for its annual wildebeest migration, the Serengeti provides an exhilarating safari experience for families. Witness the enormous herds of animals crossing the plains, picture lions basking under acacia trees, and capture the iconic African sunset as a backdrop.
  2. Ngorongoro Crater: This UNESCO World Heritage Site is a natural phenomenon packed with wildlife. Take your family on a game drive in the crater or walk through lush highlands to appreciate nature and sizzle at the diverse ecosystems, including open savannas, lush woodlands, and a large concentration of animals.
  3. Tarangire National Park: Renowned for its large elephant populace, Tarangire Safari is an impeccable destination for families who want to get up close and personal with these majestic animals. Discover the park on a guided Tarangire walking safari or go on a thrilling night game drive safari.
  4. Zanzibar Spectacular Beaches: Zanzibar is famous for its excellent white sandy beaches and crystal-clear turquoise waters. Whether you’re seeking a romantic gateway or a fun-filled family vacation in Africa, Zanzibar’s beaches have something for everyone. Unwind under the swaying palm trees or indulge in delightful water sports such as snorkeling in Zanzibar, scuba diving, safari blue Zanzibar, and fishing. The unspoiled beauty of Zanzibar’s beaches is truly incomparable.

Safari Activities in Tanzania for Kids

Tanzania has a wide range of safari activities that are seemingly for families with children of all ages. Here are specific exhilarating experiences to consider during your Tanzania family holiday:

  1. Guided Game Drives: Embark on a thrilling safari game drive with an experienced guide who will help you point out and classify the wildlife species you encounter in the wild. There’s always something new to discover, from elephants and giraffes to zebras and cheetahs. Our safari guides are well-trained in handling kids while on a game drive. Don’t stress yourself on that; we are experts, too!
  2. Hot Air Balloon Safari: Get your family on an extraordinary Serengeti adventure by rising above the Serengeti in a hot air balloon safari. Enjoy panoramic views of the wildlife below and create memories you will cherish together for many years.
  3. Cultural Exchange: Let your family dive into the local Maasai culture by visiting a traditional village. Study about their duties, try your hand at traditional crafts, and even partake in a traditional dance. Let your child be part of the culture!
  4. Guided Nature Walks: Walk around the beauty of Tanzania’s backdrops on foot during a guided nature walk in Serengeti or Tarangire with an armed park ranger. Discover secreted gems, learn about the flora and fauna, and witness the smaller creatures often overlooked on a regular game drive.

What is the Best Time for a Safari in Tanzania?

The exact best time start to planning your family safari in Tanzania depends on the precise experiences you wish to have. Here are some factors to consider:

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  1. Dry Season | Peak Season: From June to October, Tanzania experiences its dry season, an excellent time for wildlife viewing. Animals gather around water sources during this period, making game drivers easy.
  2. Calving Season: If witnessing the wildebeest calving is high on your family’s priority list, consider visiting the Serengeti between January and March. This is when thousands of wildebeest give birth to their young, attracting predators and offering a unique spectacle.
  3. Green Season | Shoulder Season: From November to May, Tanzania experiences its green season, characterized by lush vegetation and sporadic rainfall. Although wildlife may be harder to spot during this time, the landscape is vibrant and teeming with birdlife.

What is the Cost of a Safari in Tanzania

The cost of a family safari in Tanzania can differ depending on several factors, including the level of accommodation, the number of days spent on the safari, and the activities included in your itinerary. Here are a few cost considerations to keep in mind:

  1. Accommodation: Tanzania offers a range of accommodation options, from tented luxury lodges to tented camps in the heart of Serengeti. The accommodation cost will vary based on the level of comfort and amenities provided. Our East Africa Safari planner can help you choose the best accommodation that fits your budget.
  2. Transportation: Think of the cost of transportation to and within Tanzania. Flights, airport transfers, and safari vehicles are essential factors to consider when budgeting for your family safari in Serengeti, Tanzania.
  3. Park Fees: National park fees are significant to any safari budget. Ensure you inquire about the entrance fees for the parks and reserves you plan to visit. These are non-negotiable!
  4. Guided Tour Activities: Some family-friendly safari activities, such as hot air balloon safaris or guided walking Safari, may cost additional. Discuss these options with our safari operator and include them in your desired budget.

A family safari in Tanzania promises a once-in-a-lifetime experience that will create long-lasting memories for many years. From the endless plains of the Serengeti to the diverse ecosystems of the Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania offers a wealth of natural beauty and wildlife for the entire family to relish. With careful planning and consideration of the best time to visit, you can embark on an unforgettable family holiday in Tanzania that will ignite the imaginations and curiosity of young and old alike. So, start planning your Tanzania family safari today!

Is it Safe to Go on a Safari to Tanzania?

Malaria in Tanzania Safari

Malaria is an alarm in some areas of Tanzania, including popular safari destinations. Taking preventive measures to shelter your children from this mosquito-borne disease is essential. Here are some places you can take:

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  1. Consult Your Pediatrician: Before embarking on a safari trip to Tanzania, check with your pediatrician to discuss appropriate antimalarial medications for your younger ones – including yourselves. They can guide the most suitable options based on your child’s age and health condition.
  2. Prophylactic Medication: Administering the recommended prophylactic medication as prescribed by your pediatrician is crucial. These medications help prevent the development of malaria parasites in case of mosquito bites.
  3. Insect Repellent: Use a reliable insect repellent containing DEET or picaridin on your children’s exposed skin. Apply it according to the product instructions and reapply as needed, especially during day game drives and night hours.
  4. Protective Clothing: Dress your children in long-sleeved shirts, long pants, and closed-toe shoes during safari activities. This reduces the exposed skin area and minimizes the risk of mosquito bites, which could cause skin inflammation.
  5. Mosquito Nets: Ensure the accommodation provides mosquito nets for your children’s sleeping areas. This provides an additional layer of protection while they rest.
    Remember, taking these precautions significantly reduces the risk of malaria transmission during a Tanzania safari Adventure. Ask any questions you might have—our East Africa Safari Guides sales team regarding your children’s safety.

Safety While on a Tanzania Safari Tours

Besides malaria prevention, ensuring safety during your safari adventure is equally vital. Follow these safety tips for a worry-free experience:

  1. Choose Reputable Tour Operators: Select a reputable tour operator with a strong safety record. Look for companies prioritizing safety protocols, including well-maintained vehicles, experienced guides, and proper emergency procedures. We hire guides at East Africa Safari Guides, and our entire safari guide crew is Wilderness First Responder (WFR) certified.
  2. Child-friendly Camps: Prioritize accommodations that cater to families with children. These camps often have child-friendly facilities like swimming pools, playgrounds, and activities tailored for younger guests.
  3. Stay in Selected Areas: Always follow the instructions of your Tanzania safari guide. Avoid wandering off into restricted or dangerous areas, threatening your children’s safety.
  4. Wildlife Protocol: Teach your children about wildlife etiquette, such as maintaining a safe distance from animals, not feeding them, and never approaching or touching them. Respecting the wildlife ensures the safety of both your children and the animals themselves.
  5. Sun Protection: Safaris in Tanzania often involves spending extended periods outdoors. Protect your children’s delicate skin from the sun by applying sunscreen, wearing hats, and using sunglasses to avoid eye dust, as roads might be bumpy and dust
    by following these safety measures, you can enjoy a worry-free Tanzania safari experience with your children.

Tanzania Safari with Children

Taking children on a safari can be an incredible educational and bonding experience, especially when they get to experience the outside world. Here’s what you need to know to make the most of your Tanzania family trip:

  1. Age Considerations: While there is no specific age restriction for safaris, it’s critical to consider your child’s maturity level and ability to follow instructions. Safari rides can be long and require patience, so ensure your children are ready for the experience.
  2. Educational Opportunities: A safari offers unique opportunities for children to learn about wildlife, nature conservation, culture, and different ecosystems. Engage them in educational activities, such as identifying animal tracks, Birdwatching, and learning about local cultures.
  3. Family-friendly Activities: Look for safari itineraries that include family-friendly activities like guided nature walks, cultural visits, and interactive experiences with animals. These activities cater specifically to children and offer a memorable and educational experience. Browse our carefully sorted safari itineraries for the best African safari experience.
  4. Bring Snacks and Entertainment: Keep your children engaged during long safari rides with snacks, books, and games. This helps prevent dullness and ensures they have a pleasurable time.
  5. Flexibility: Remember to plan your safari itinerary flexibly, allowing for breaks and downtime. Children may need rest or shorter activities to prevent exhaustion.
    As parents, you know your children best, so tailor the safari experience to their interests and abilities. A well-planned and child-friendly Tanzania safari can create lifelong memories for the whole family. We recommend booking a game package safari experience to have ample time with the children while on Safari.

Taking children on a safari in Tanzania can be safe and pleasing when the necessary precautions are taken. By addressing malaria prevention, ensuring overall safety, and considering age-appropriate activities, you can provide your children with an enriching and memorable experience. So, pack your bags, prepare your family, and embark on an exciting adventure in the heart of African wildlife. Let our Luxury Safari advisors help you curate the family-suitable safari package,

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Luxury Travel Blogger | African Safari Specialist. Hey there! I'm a luxury travel blogger with a passion for exploring the unspoiled beauty of Africa. As an African Safari Specialist, I'm here to help you discover the wonders of this captivating continent. Through my journeys and in-depth knowledge of East Africa, I've had the privilege of working closely with East Africa Safari Guides, collaborating to curate unforgettable experiences for adventurous souls like yourself. From the golden sunsets over the undulating plains of the Serengeti to the magnificent wildlife encounters in the Maasai Mara, I've been fortunate to witness nature's marvels up close. My journal is your window into the enchanting world of luxury travel in Africa, offering insider tips, captivating stories, and expert insights that will ignite your wanderlust. Allow me to be your trusted guide, taking you on a virtual journey beyond borders. Together, we'll unfold a tapestry of cultural treasures, breathtaking landscapes, and extraordinary encounters with nature's magnificent creations.
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